I have blogged through the entire Wild Unknown Tarot deck card-by-card! Below, you will find a master list of all posts in this series. I hope this will provide insight as you forge your own bond with this gorgeous, magical pack of cards!

In these posts, you will find detailed interpretations of the images and tarot card meanings. As the deck’s box states, there are no rights or wrongs – these are simply my personal interpretations. I’m not affiliated with the Wild Unknown, this series is a purely unofficial labor of love.

If you have additional thoughts on the card meanings and images, please do leave a comment!

The decks I co-created, the Spacious Tarot + Expansion Pack, are available now at thespacioustarot.com

The Wild Unknown Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings

The FoolThe MagicianThe High PriestessThe EmpressThe EmperorThe HierophantThe LoversThe ChariotJusticeThe HermitWheel of FortuneStrengthThe Hanged ManDeathTemperanceThe DevilThe TowerThe StarThe MoonThe SunJudgementThe World

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Hi, I'm Carrie!

I'm a tarot reader and mentor.
My purpose is to encourage your expansion. If you're new, start here.


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All site content © Carrie Mallon LLC 2017
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