I have blogged through the entire Wild Unknown Tarot deck card-by-card! Below, you will find a master list of all posts in this series. I hope this will provide insight as you forge your own bond with this gorgeous, magical pack of cards!
In these posts, you will find detailed interpretations of the images and tarot card meanings. As the deck’s box states, there are no rights or wrongs – these are simply my personal interpretations. I’m not affiliated with the Wild Unknown, this series is a purely unofficial labor of love.
If you have additional thoughts on the card meanings and images, please do leave a comment!
The decks I co-created, the Spacious Tarot + Expansion Pack, are available now at thespacioustarot.com
The Wild Unknown Major Arcana Tarot Card Meanings
The Fool • The Magician • The High Priestess • The Empress • The Emperor • The Hierophant • The Lovers • The Chariot • Justice • The Hermit • Wheel of Fortune • Strength • The Hanged Man • Death • Temperance • The Devil • The Tower • The Star • The Moon • The Sun • Judgement • The World
The Wild Unknown Minor Arcana Tarot Card Meanings
Suit of Wands
Ace of Wands • Two of Wands • Three of Wands • Four of Wands • Five of Wands • Six of Wands • Seven of Wands • Eight of Wands • Nine of Wands • Ten of Wands • Daughter of Wands • Son of Wands • Mother of Wands • Father of Wands
Suit of Cups
Ace of Cups • Two of Cups • Three of Cups • Four of Cups • Five of Cups • Six of Cups • Seven of Cups • Eight of Cups • Nine of Cups • Ten of Cups • Daughter of Cups • Son of Cups • Mother of Cups • Father of Cups
Suit of Swords
Ace of Swords • Two of Swords • Three of Swords • Four of Swords • Five of Swords • Six of Swords • Seven of Swords • Eight of Swords • Nine of Swords • Ten of Swords • Daughter of Swords • Son of Swords
• Mother of Swords • Father of Swords
Suit of Pentacles
Ace of Pentacles • Two of Pentacles • Three of Pentacles • Four of Pentacles • Five of Pentacles • Six of Pentacles • Seven of Pentacles • Eight of Pentacles • Nine of Pentacles • Ten of Pentacles • Daughter of Pentacles • Son of Pentacles • Mother of Pentacles • Father of Pentacles
I Love you for putting this together dear Carrie! What a joy to read through your interpretations of these gorgeous cards <3 thank you! xo
🙂 <3
Ola Bom dia!
Eu quero adquirir o tarot desconhecido como faço para comprar? Por favor me Responda💫💖🙏🏻
I absolutely love your cards!! Thank you so much for the website it’s very helpful.
I hope you will add the rest soon. This is very nice of you! 🙂
More are coming! I’m glad you’re enjoying this. 🙂
Love your deck’s artwork, look forward to seeing the rest soon 🙂
Thanks, Jenny! Just to be clear, I’m not the deck creator, just an avid fan. 🙂
Can you purchase just the book for the cards the wild unknown, I have got a set of cards in German and feel attached to them but can’t read German lol
Just saw that you have been posting the rest of the card interpretations .. can you please link them all to this page ^.^ Please pretty please. This page is missing the newly posted card interpretations. <3
Hi Moonflower – you make an excellent point, this needs to be updated. I’ll do that now!
Yay, happy dance! Thank you! I really love reading your interpretations .. they are the best, I feel, that I have read for this deck. <3
I’m very pleased to hear that!
Ive recently gotten into tarot, my first deck is the Wild Unknown. The colors of the packaging is what caught my eye first, and the title of them is what influenced me to buy them. I came to a quick understanding that this deck means business and wont sugar coat things. This site has helped me greatly with understanding the deck even more so. I do have a question though, do you read reversal cards with this deck? And if so any advice on reversals?
Thank you so much for blogging your interpretations of these Carrie. They are so helpful.
I’m really glad they are helpful!
when will you be updating again? I recently got this deck and had the pleasure to stumble upon you site.. your interpretations are the most helpful to me and my tarot journal:) please update soon! cheers
Hi Carmen, thanks! I’m glad you find these helpful. I will be updating again very soon – I hope to have the next two posts up this week.
I know the creator didn’t publish a reverse meaning guide for the deck but i love the meanings you had posted. I found them by accident when I lost my guidebook and have used urs since. If you haven’t already do you think you could do the reverse meanings? I’d he very interested in using my deck with both I feel like I could get more detailed amd accurate readings that way. Dont get Me wrong I love the results as is but some things need further clarification and I think that this would help immensely.
Question: activating your Strange Jewel reading
6th card is the King of Pentacles and using your meaning index of the Wild Unknown Cards, which is not complete. Such suspense….the reading so far has been very insightful, enjoying this deck.
Your time is precious I know so I’m not sure what to ask for….do you have the meaning of card online and I haven’t discovered yet?
I look forward to hearing from you
With Gratitude
I literally *JUST* posted the Father of Pentacles seconds before I saw your comment. Check the homepage at happyfishtarot.com!
I’m absolutely in love with your interpretations, they have been immensely helpful to me in my journey with the Wild Unknown deck. Thank you for taking the time to do each of these! I was wondering, do you think you’d ever post the reversed interpretations of the cards? I feel like you could provide some very decisive insight in that area.
Thanks again for the awesome posts! 🙂
Hi Carrie, I just want to say I love your interpretations with this deck of cards, just awesome! I write tarot poetry and only this morning posted my four Tarot queens poems. I have fallen in love with this deck! Excellent series, looking forward to reading more.
Hi Dana, that’s great to hear! The idea of tarot poetry has always intrigued me, I’ll be checking out your blog soon. 🙂
What an amazing resource for a beginning reader like me! Thank you so much for sharing your work on this.
You’re very welcome! 🙂
Thank you for all the work you have done with this deck. Reading your reflections on the 78 cards is truly helpful and brings a new sense of clarity to my interpretations. 🙂
You’re welcome! 🙂
Great interpretation of the tarot cards. Thanks
You’re welcome! 🙂
I’ve only just found your website, and this is so helpful! I love how you did the entire deck, and thank you for collecting them all here!
I’m glad you found my site! Welcome 🙂
I just got my Wild Unknown deck, and I have been looking forward to it for so long. I came across your blog, and I love it. Signed up for your newsletter. And I just wanted to say THANK YOU so much, for this amazing share of your take on this magical deck. It’s just the companion I needed, other than the guidebook, as I form my bond with it.
Hi Natalia, that’s awesome! Enjoy your tarot journey 🙂
Dear Carrie,
Thank you for your hard work. This is great. I got the Wild Unknown tarot a while ago but it disappeared in my storage box. They came back to me yesterday since I felt strongly to work with them again. I will examine them myself first:-) and then I will examine your amazing resource! This really encourages me to do the same for myself, it shows the process of doing things step by step.
Much love!
You’re welcome! You might be interested in this video I made back about forming your own bond with the cards: http://carriemallon.com/blog/one-tip-for-intuitively-connecting-with-your-tarot-cards/
Hi 🙂 Are you familiar with a card titled “Birthing Wild”. Itbwas gifted to me and I would like to know more.
Hi there! I’ve never heard of that deck, I’m sorry to say!
Thank you so much for this! It helped me choose the Wild Unknown box set and I’m sooo happy with it! I’m also enjoying your Key Finding Podcast and Tarot Reader’s Daily Companion. It is helping me get back in touch with my intuition. My analytical mind has been in overdrive the last few years so I’m just scratching the surface, but I’m working at it. I’ve been doing a daily one card reading with this deck and I’m finding it really helpful. Thanks again 🙂
You put a big smile on my face, I’m really glad you’re finding my stuff helpful! Enjoy your new cards! 🙂
Hi! Wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts about the Wild Unknown Tarot! It has really helped me! So very kind of you! It even helped to open my own intuition more as to the symbolism and discover some more interpretations of the imagery. I was wondering if you could do the same with the companion Animal Spirit Deck? I have been working with them both together and they are symbiotic! I would really value your insight as to what you see in the symbolism. As someone who is new to Tarot/Oracle and who is also in love with these decks, I find your thoughts to be an invaluable resource. Thanks so much!
Hi Iris, I’m so glad you’ve found these posts helpful! Unfortunately I don’t own the Animal Spirit deck, though.
Thanks for the reply! I hope you decide to add to your collection! They work well with the Wild Unknown Tarot. I would love to have your insight if you decide to! Thanks again for sharing your thoughts! It’s much appreciated!
Did you ever do a blog about your thoughts regarding the use of color in the deck? Such as why she chose magenta in 4 of pentacles?
Carrie, could you email me? There’s no contact info that I can find on your page and this concerns a childhood friend you had . Thanks !
I emailed you 🙂
Dear Carrie,
Thank you for your beautiful guide to the Wild Unknown meanings. A friend recently gave me a tarot reading using this deck, which I found inspiring and very relevant. It has been wonderful to further explore the cards with help from your interpretations.
Hi Alexandra – I really appreciate your kind words! I’m glad you’re enjoying the posts 🙂
Thank you for lovely, compassionate site!
And Unofficial TWU meanings pdf.
Hi Carrie,
I just want to thank you for all of your guides, they are amazingly helpful. I did my first five cards reading earlier today for me and my love one. This is what I got : 1- son of pentacles; 2 – daughter of pentacles; 3 – the sun; 4 – the moon; 5 – the star. Thanks to the book and your blog I can someway understand what they are trying to say but could you please give me a little bit more detail about them? It was my first time after all.
Thank you so much.
Do you have this in pdf format? I just recieved this deck of cards, but no book and I love your interpretations. Plus, rhis deck has 4 extra cards the Daughters cards, which is very new to me.
Yes! Here’s all the info: http://carriemallon.com/blog/the-unofficial-wild-unknown-tarot-card-meanings-download-print-love/
HI ! I wanted to give you for the download, but I do not have PayPal 🙁 Do you have venmo?
Thank you!
I do! My username is Carrie-Mallon. Thanks for your support!
Your interpretations have been so helpful to me! I like comparing and contrasting between the guidebook, your interpretation, and my own. Thank you for posting them!
i am from Italy hello. Can you help me translate? /rardor
Hello! Unfortunately I don’t speak Italian 🙁
Thank you for putting this together, it is so helpful!
Thank you so very much for this page!
I got the wild unknown deck for my first deck and did not get the guidebook. Safe to say I’m a true novice lol
I have been using your site every day! you explain everything so well and I thank you so much for all your effort and time in this page. You’ve done an amazing job ❤️
Hey Rebecca, thanks so much for your kind feedback!! 🙂
Dear Carrie,
I would like to purchase the physical deck of The Unofficial Wild Unknown Cards. Are they available? It seems like a deck that would speak to me a lot.
Many thanks,
Hi Sami, you can purchase the deck here: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0062466593/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=carriemallon-20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=0062466593&linkId=53c0961abb10b1ef3293b8ef68843bbb
Thank you for this page .. I just started with The Wild Unknown tarot .. and this page is so helpfull .. So clearly explained … Very happy .. Greetings from the Netherlands
I’m so glad you’re enjoying the posts!
I purchased this deck a little bit on a whim, but when I finally opened it, the first card that came almost flying out was the 6 of wands. I didn’t know what to make of it so Google was my best friend and I stumbled onto this page.
After looking at your blog, I am now convinced this deck chose me. Thank you for such an informative page!
Nice! I’m glad the posts are helpful 🙂
Greetings, Carrie. I recently found your site quite by accident. I’ve owned The Wild Unknown since this past Christmas, but I haven’t had the time to properly devote to it. I decided to delve into it a couple weeks ago and truthfully I was kind of lost for meaning. Then, YOU HAPPENED. Thank You. You’ve given me such inspiration. One question. How would you go about reverse meanings? Thanks, again.
Hi Cynthia, thanks for your kind feedback! Here’s a post I wrote on reversals: http://carriemallon.com/blog/how-to-read-reversed-tarot-cards/
I’m new to all of this (tarot), though I do have a background in psychology, and a particular interest in Carl Jung, which has led me to seeking “other ways of knowing”. I recently purchased the Wild Unknown Tarot box. While the box came with a guidebook, I found that I needed some additional clarification with my readings: the search brought me to this page.
I would like to say thank you for your efforts and clarifications on this (and other) deck(s). I believe you’ve done Justice to the authors creation!
You’re very welcome, I’m pleased to know my posts are of interest to you!
It is great blog post. I am Always read your blog. Helpful and Informative blog. Thanks for sharing these information with us.
Thank you so much for putting this together Carrie!! It’s helping learn about my deck so I can hopefully bring insight to my loved ones. <3
do you know much about the uusi oracle cards? i really don’t connect with this deck – any advice? i love your wild unknown breakdown and it’s like my bible of reference … but have you had a deck you just couldn’t connect with? thanks 🙏🏻
Understanding the great meaning of tarot reading is something learning everyday new. Reiki and Tarot reading is one of the best thing and it tells most of true about our life. I always trust on tarot reading and thanks for sharing this information.
Thank you so much for making this guide! I’ve been working with this deck for a few years on and off now, and it’s my first tarot deck. I feel a really strong connection to it but am often perplexed by the imagery and am really only recently getting a hang of reading these cards.
I found your guide a couple days ago and already it has been so helpful in deepening my understanding and connection to these cards and to the practice of reading tarot as a whole. I’m so grateful that you’ve made this available and I am so excited to see how this guide continues to help me on my own journey with the Wild Unknown!