I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
Click here for a directory of all posts in my Wild Unknown series.

Creator’s Keywords: creative, charasmatic
Carrie’s Keywords: exuberant, assertive
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Father of Wands Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
If you thought the Mother of Wands stood her ground, wait until you meet the Father! He is someone you do not mess around with. He knows his domain, and he has complete confidence in his role as the master of this territory. He is the boss here, and in both subtle ways and bold, he’ll assert this belief.
The background of the card is black, which adds to the dominance of the snake. He stands out as a bold, exuberant character. He isn’t afraid of the night, or anything else. A bolt of pure red and orange descends. These are the colors of raw power.
The bolt also adds a bit of drama to the card. This Father/King of Wands does have a flair for the dramatic. He enjoys entertaining, and even if he wouldn’t admit it, he likes keeping others on their toes. You’re never really sure what the Father of Wands is going to do next.
But unlike the Son of Wands, the Father does have a master plan. He’s learned a thing or two, and he doesn’t take action just for the sake of it. He takes measured but bold steps, and it isn’t hard for him to find results.
King of Wands Tarot Card Meanings in General

The wands court cards in my self-published deck The Spacious Tarot show a progression of fire. The Elder (or King) is a master of fire, he makings conjuring pyrotechnics look easy.
In theWaite-Smith tarot, the King of Wands is poised upon a throne. His seat and his robe are decorated with salamanders, a creature associated with the fire element. He leans forward in his throne as though he’s about to jump up and take part in one thing or another.
As the culmination of the court cards, the king is highly adept in working with the energy of his suit. The King of Wands knows how to take the fiery energy of wands and channel it into something productive. He sees opportunities everywhere. He’s never one to sit idly by, he always wants to be learning, doing, engaging. His pace is fast but he is not careless. He’s has honed his instincts and now trusts that they will not lead him astray.
In a reading
The Father of Wands may ask you not to shy away from your own power. What do you want to create? How can you use your hard-earned skills to make it happen? What plan feels both solid and exciting to you? The Father of Wands invites you to try out his approach to life and watch the results as they are magnetized towards you.
Hi Carrie,
Thank you so much for your work! I recently started working with the Wild Unknown Tarot and am wondering what your take is on the lack of a reversed meaning in the guide book. Do you recommend looking up the reversed meaning when I pull cards upside down?
All best,
Hi Lauren! Here’s a post I wrote on how I read reversals: https://carriemallon.com/blog/how-to-read-reversed-tarot-cards/
I’m a woman that got the Father of Wands as my future. What does this mean?