So here it is: Annie Ruygt and I are creating a tarot deck together. It’s called the Spacious Tarot and it will (hopefully) make its way into the world sometime in 2019. Do I sound calm? I’m definitely not calm! I’m freaking out, in a (mostly) good way!
Annie and I have already been working on this project for over two years. I’ve dropped some hints here and there, but last week I made the official announcement on Instagram. I’m super excited (but also really nervous!) to finally be sharing some images from our deck with you guys.

One of our concepts with this deck is to create imagery that immerses you. There are no humans (although a few animals show up, and a few human artifacts as well). Many of the major arcana cards attempt to depict a scene that represents the energy of that card, so that you can envision yourself stepping into that energy. You can get a feel for this with our Fool card, pictured above.
We’ve been working on this deck for over two years already! It’s been interesting seeing how things emerge. We’ve tinkered with various art styles and toyed with various themes. We’ve tried out different titles. We’ve also taken breaks whenever this project starts to feel too overwhelming or frustrating. We both agreed from the outset that we wanted creating a deck to be a pleasureable, organic experience. And it has been!
I keep having this feeling that the deck is coming forward how it is meant to come forward. It’s like the visual, energetic world of these cards was already out there somewhere in the ether, and Annie and I have been providing a way for it to take shape and form. The title of the deck came to me one lovely spring day while I was out for a walk: The Spacious Tarot. It felt right. Spacious describes the energy of the deck itself, and I would say it also describes the energy going into the creation process.

Right now we’ve got about thirteen cards that are done-ish. I must tell you that most of the pictures here are not really doing the deck justice – most of these are just screenshots printed on cardstock, so the resolution and quality is not amazing. However, I was really itching to see a few cards printed and I want to start giving you a feel for how it’s going. They will look a lot better when they are DONE done.
Our process has generally looked like this: I come up with a concept and a chicken scratch sketch of how I think a card might look. Annie makes changes or additions, giving input on how to refine our visual storytelling. Then she does a much better sketch version of the card. And then, once we’re both happy with it, Annie does the final artwork and it ends up looking something like what you see here.

We still have a long way to go, but I am over the moon that we are doing this. When I look at how things are taking shape, I feel plugged into something mysterious and magical. It’s a real good feeling. When we are done, if nothing else, I’ll know I have a deck that speaks to MY soul. Hopefully a few other people like it, as well!
Because this is a project with SO much involved, right now we’ve just been taking one step at a time. I’m honestly not sure when the deck will be ready, but we hope to have it out some time in 2019. That might be an ambitious goal though, so we’ll see. The deck is spacious, after all. We want to keep up the momentum but we don’t want to rush it.

I feel really lucky to be working with Annie. Not only is she obviously an incredible artist who puts palpable love into her work, she is also hands down one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. We’ve done a lot of Skyping since we started this project and we also got to meet in person when I visited New York City last year. I will fully admit that I have at times been incredibly obnoxious, requesting ten thousand changes to the cards (even as I’m writing this I’m thinking of a few tweaks we might make to the Hermit) and Annie always lets me know if I’m on to something or if I’m overthinking. I honestly cannot imagine creating this deck with anyone but her.
In due time Annie and I will be launching a Kickstarter. I’m not sure when, but it will be happening eventually. So if you like the look of this deck and would be interested in supporting the creation, stay tuned! I’ll be sharing updates on my blog and in my newsletter. I’ll also keep you posted via my main instagram account, @carriemallon, and this deck has its very own Instagram account as well, @thespacioustarot.

And there you have it! Something I’ve been waiting over two years to show you guys and at last you have a peek. I can’t wait to talk more about the Spacious Tarot as it continues to come to life. If you have thoughts or questions on the deck so far, feel free to share – I’d love to hear from you!
This is the most intriguing and gorgeous concept for a Tarot deck I have ever seen. When the kickstarter goes up I am definitely backing this. Gorgeous artwork! I literally felt as.though I were falling into it. Like I was the person in each work of art. I look forward to this stunning deck!!!
You just made my night with this comment! I’m glad you’re connecting with it!
Hi Carrie! I’m still fairly new to Tarot. I started with the RWS deck and couldn’t imagine using any other deck until I saw yours. I love where you’re going with it! It’s beautiful and it definitely makes me feel immersed in the energy you want to convey.
That’s high praise! Thank you so much, and welcome to the wonderful world of tarot!
Beautiful deck, I can’t wait to see the full thing. When is the approximate release date for it? I’m ready to buy it now!
It will probably be late 2019 but may take even longer – we’re really not sure what to expect with the printing process so it’s hard to say! I’ll keep updating here!
I love the concept! And these cards are GORGEOUS!! WOW!!!
Thanks so much, Barb!
Limited only by your own imagination, they breathe on their own, how inspirational.
Thank you Sue!!
Truly amazing designs! I feel the images you have shared so far and I highly resonate with them! Looking forward to seeing all the designs and owning this deck! Thank you for this joy! ~eee~
Yay! I’m super excited to share more too!
Carrie! This is so gorgeous. The High Priestess card makes me want to swoon. I hope that you’ll have prints available for these as well! Thank you so much, I will definitely be participating in your kickstarter.
Thank you, Lisa!! I really wanted to get the High Priestess right so it makes me especially happy people like that one.
I am so ex ites about this deck. It is both beautiful and mesmerizing.
I’m so glad you think so!!
This deck is gorgeous and I truly can not wait to own it! I look forward to this much needed energy in my life. Thank you both for your diligence and patience as you create, birth and midwife throughout this process. Love, light and many blessings to you as you continue the journey! You can count on my support when the Kickstarter is announced!
I really appreciate your kind words and support!
Your new adventure, Carrie! Beautiful and the images draw you in. Can’t wait. I’m all in on Kickstarter.
That means a lot to me!
Yes please!! I love what I’m seeing so far. And that’s saying something, because not much in the way of new tarot decks excites me these days. Off to follow Spacious Tarot on IG >>>
Oooh yay! 🙂
The cards are amazing! I love the concept. I totally get the “immerse yourself in the scene” energy of them. Great work, Ladies!
Thank you Karina!!
It is gorgeous! Godspeed with it!
The deck is absolutely gorgeous and the artwork is so vibrant and refreshing, dear Carrie 🙂 The energy feels new and subtle, yet very powerful and intuitive. Great work and an awesome contribution in the Tarot arena! Thanks and Gratitude 🙂
-Anita Laxmii Guha
This is so beautiful! I felt so much energy when I saw the High Priestess card! It is full of visual meaning!
Please tell me this deck is going to be available in other countries at a reasonable price. I live in Spain and I would love to have it!
Hi Rosalía, I’m so glad you like it! The ultimate goal is to be able to ship worldwide – however, we haven’t even started looking into printing yet, let alone shipping. But we’ll do everything we can to ship to as many places as possible. I really hope it works out! I’ll post updates as we have them.
I’m dying to see what the back looks like! Do you know yet?
Annie and I were just talking about this! We haven’t designed the backs yet. We do have some general ideas though! I’ll post updates as we have them!
Yay!! I’m glad! 🙂
Hi. No people! No gender. No boring old fashioned dress and archaic symbols. Nothing to get tripped up on. Just enough to get it. Nature we all relate to. I’d buy this deck. I’m very new to tarot. I’m using the Mystic Mondays deck because it’s the most minimal and joyful deck I’ve found, but this spacious (love the name) speaks to me also. I need minamal to feel clear, just enough to trigger my intuition. U are on to something, filling a hole we feel
in the tarot deck offerings, in the way to depict our inner beings’ messages and light.
Hi Carrie,
May I preorder a deck?
Thank you for your time.
Hi Michelle, thanks so much for your interest! We’re not quite at that point yet but we are planning to launch a Kickstarter within the next couple of months. Follow @thespacioustarot on Instagram or sign up for my newsletter and I’ll give updates as soon as we have them!