I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
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Two of Pentacles :: Wild Unknown Tarot Card Meanings
Creator’s keywords: balance and change
Carrie’s keywords: flexibility, dynamic factors

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Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown

A butterfly is positioned in the card’s center, wings open wide. The background is filled with slanted lines, meeting in the middle. There’s a sense of equilibrium everywhere: the two wings, two antennae, and the two lined background sections. And most notably, the two pentacles in a rainbow loop.

The two pentacles are forming a lemniscate, or infinity loop. We’ve see this symbol in several of the Wild Unknown’s cards (such as Strength & the Magician). Here, this symbol reminds us that changes can be big or small. We’re almost always adjusting to some form of change.

Life is dynamic, and the Two of Pentacles speaks strongly to this truth. You can’t always rely on tried and true patterns. Instead, you must constantly be tuning into the energies at work in every given moment and make adjustments – both big and small – as necessary.

The Two of Pentacles shows the many ways that we juggle and balance in our daily lives. Even if we think we’re focusing on one task, there’s usually some form of balance going on. Some of this balancing is done consciously (for example, eating while driving) and some is done unconsciously (for example, we’re always breathing and blinking).

This card reminds us that there are multiple facets at work within any situation. Our task is to navigate these facets with grace (and to have some fun in the process).

Two of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in General

This card often shows a human figure juggling two pentacles. Juggling is an act that takes precision and concentration, but it’s also somewhat of a game. Therefore, this card can be a reminder that life isn’t just about doing everything “right.” Instead, life is about constantly finding ways you can take meaningful actions with a playful attitude. 

It’s also helpful to be flexible. Don’t push yourself so hard that you break, but stretching yourself is healthy. Don’t get discouraged if what used to work no longer works. Instead, embrace the flexibility of trying and refrain from judging what transpires as a success or a failure. The Two of Pentacles echoes the old saying that life really is like a game, so don’t take things TOO seriously!

In a reading…

Sometimes in a reading, the Two of Pentacles can indicate having more than one factor to consider. Can you maintain the multiple factors at work, or do you need to simplify? Are you enjoying the balancing process, or has it become tricky? Approach the situation with flexibility and use your ability to prioritize.

Embrace the dynamic energies at work for you and remember that the only constant in life is change.

Hi, I'm Carrie!

I'm a tarot reader and mentor.
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