I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
Click here for a directory of all posts in my Wild Unknown series.

Creator’s Keywords: friendship, support
Carrie’s keywords: community, network
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Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
Three birds are hanging out on a branch, twittering away to one another. The sun sets behind them and they are silhouetted in the warm glows of red, orange and yellow. Three cups line the bottom of the card. It is a comfortable scene of community, sharing and enjoying good company.
These birds could be gathering for any number of reasons. Perhaps they are showing support for one of their number. Or maybe they are just gossiping about the days’ events! This is another of the more straightforward cards in the deck. The image successfully evokes feelings of social gatherings, chatting with interesting folks, and the pleasant side of interacting with a group.
The sunset is one of the most notable aspects of the imagery here. This deck is strategic with use of color, and this is one of the few cards that gets a verifiable color bath. The warm colors conjure that beautiful feeling when the sun is going down and you’re somewhere you know you belong.
Three of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in General

In the Waite-Smith tarot tradition, this card shows three women standing in a circle, each holding up a cup in an intertwining manner. There’s a lot of talk in the metaphysical community about “finding your tribe” and this is the tarot card that correlates to that concept. When you find a network of people who uplift you, magic happens. The Spacious Tarot imagery tells a similar story: three cups are gathered at a creek, each contributing to the flow below. Three tiny minnows dance in the overflow.
This card reminds you that your group identity is just as valuable as your individual identity. The network you interact with has a profound impact on your energy. Deciding who to surround yourself with is one of the most empowering things you can do.
In a reading
This card can speak to any type of community togetherness. We humans are social animals, and we benefit from getting together with others to laugh, chat, and shoot the breeze. This card can be a good reminder to value and strengthen your friendships and your sense of community. You don’t have to go it alone. When you need support, turn to those you can count on.