I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
Click here for a directory of all posts in my Wild Unknown series.

Ten of Cups :: Wild Unknown Tarot
Creator’s keywords: harmony and joy
Carrie’s keywords: kinship, joy
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Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
Kinship, joy and harmony are the words that come to mind when I look at this card. Five cups form a semi-circle around the top half of the card, five cups complete the circle at the bottom of the card. Each cup sends forth five beams of light, one for each of the cups on the opposite side of the card. And while each cup is sending light, it is also receiving light.
The sending and receiving embodies the saying “you get what you give.” Life isn’t just about receiving endless positive energy and good vibes. It’s also about broadcasting those things and creating more beauty. Even in a scientific (yet poetic) sense, we are creations of stardust. And as Julia Cameron says, we can continue creation by being creative ourselves. We are in a reciprocal relationship with the Universe.
All of the colors of the rainbow are present in this card. There’s a sense of wholeness and completeness here. This card echoes some of the sentiments of the World. Everything is as it should be, positive energy is permeating your very existence.
The tens represent the culmination of a suit’s energy. As such, the Ten of Cups shows an ulimate realization of the watery, emotional suit of cups. This is a card of kinship to the universe, a connection to yourself, and a sense of joyful belonging.
Ten of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in general

We took some inspiration from the Wild Unknown in our imagery for the Spacious Tarot (shown above). But here, instead of straight lines, the cups exchange a watery flow of rainbow energy.
In the Waite-Smith tarot, this card shows a nuclear family embracing under a wide rainbow. The children dance while the adults embrace each other with arms outstretched. As such, this card has traditionally been associated with family love, but it is not limited to this realm. The Ten of Cups is associated with all types of love and joyful emotions.
Sometimes this card comes up as a reminder to tune in to the harmony underlying your situation. Even in times that seem difficult on the external plane, there is an invitation to find your own internal sense of serenity. The Ten of Cups reminds you to take the common spiritual advice “be love” and implement it in real ways.
In a reading
This card can remind you of the importance of gratitude. It can show times of joy and connection with yourself, your environment, and your fellow human beings. If you want to receive love, joy and harmony; start by being an embodiment of these things yourself.
Hi! I just discovered The Wild Unknown Tarot, and your work ( thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about it!). This is a very powerful and evocative deck for me too. Many questions and reflexions come to my mind when I look at these cards. One of them : what would you say about the fact that, in the suit of Cups, from the ace to the 8, the cup is a glass with a stem, that disappears with the 9 and the 10 to become a real cup ?…
Hi Arabelle, I’m glad you are enjoying my posts! You know, I’m not sure what to make of the stemmed and non-stemmed cups to be honest. I’ve noticed the 9 and 10 don’t have stems but it hasn’t factored into my interpretations.
Can I just say I love and appreciate you so much for these posts! I love your style and energy! Thank you thank you thank you!
So grateful for your interpretations, Carrie