I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
Click here for a directory of all posts in my Wild Unknown series.

Mother of Wands :: Wild Unknown Tarot
Creator’s Keywords: attractive, vibrant
Carrie’s Keywords: devoted, warm
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Mother of Wands Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
A snake curls protectively around a nest of eggs, a wand held at an angle seems to serve as added armor. This mother is someone you wouldn’t want to mess with. Although she can be kind and warm, she is fierce and loyal, and not afraid to stand her ground.
She holds her values dear to her heart and isn’t afraid to live in a way that lines up with her moral code. She doesn’t do anything halfway – she’s in it to win it. She pours all of her love, originality and unique energy into everything she does. She is a true artist, more devoted to her craft than the son or daughter.
The background is filled with horizontal lines, colored throughout with orange and red. It gives the Mother of Wands a strong, stable energy. She is so vibrant that she almost has an energy field around her. But unlike the emanating energy of the Son of Wands, her energy is steady. She channels her energy in a more effective way.
More so than any other depiction of the Queen/Mother of Wands, this card gives me the impression of someone who holds their beliefs dearly. She’s willing to fight for what she knows is right. Even so, she knows how to have fun. She has a warm life force, a kind of palatable cheeriness that draws others to her.
Queen of Wands Tarot Card Meanings in General

The queen radiates the energy of the suit of wands from the inside out. Devotion is one of the keywords I associate with this card: she is clear about her passions and devoted to nurturing them. In The Spacious Tarot (the deck I co-created with Annie Ruygt, shown above) this card is called the Guardian of Cups and she watches over a bonfire. Others gravitate towards her inner warmth. She sets a keen example for living a creative, passionate, radiant life.
In many decks, the Queen of Wands is shown with a sunflower. This symbolizes her blossoming life force. She knows who she is and lives securely from her glowing center. She is not oblivious to the hardships of life – she is willing to stand up completely for what she believes in, even if that is risky or uncomfortable. But even so, she’s an eternal optimist, always oriented towards the good in herself, and drawing out the good in others.
In a reading
The Mother of Wands may be asking you to follow her example. Practice gratitude and protect the things that matter to you. Keep your attitude bright and good things will come your way. Live with your whole heart, be devoted to your path. You’re not here to half-ass things. Let your zest for life color everything you do!
I’m somewhat new to tarot, I bought this deck about a month ago and have been doing daily readings to get to know the cards better, and I pull the Mother of Wands probably 80% of the time. Because it is a court card, I feel like I’m having trouble deciphering it… I do relate personally to the meaning of the card, and my other intuitive feeling is that its a message from one of my grandmothers, who is deceased and I believe is one of my guides. I’m very comforted by this card, but at the same time wondering why it keeps coming up for me? I have also tried pulling other cards with the intent of further explaining the Mother of Wands, but really, I don’t know what I’m doing yet, haha. Any insight would be greatly appreciated 🙂
I would say keep listening to your intuition. You mentioned personally relating to the card – perhaps it is particularly useful right now for you to tune into the aspects of yourself that are mirrored in this card. Perhaps try journaling about what traits you associate with this card and how you can keep bringing those traits out in yourself. It’s also very cool to think that it could be related to your grandmother! Maybe also journal about what traits you admired in her and how you can also bring those traits forward in yourself. Have fun!
Thank you!! I just drew it again tonight, going to take your advice and journal 🙂
Love that, Carrie. When I was asked to pick a card that represents the true me on the inside, I immediately chose Queen of Wanda. Then a few days later, Susannah gave us a list that matches your Myers-Briggs to a court card, and mine was Queen of Cups! And yes I’m an artist.
That’s awesome!
Any chance of having the original meanings added onto the oage alongside your own meaning? I’ve noticed that for other cards you have the Wild Unknown and general meaning of the card added too.
Hi Alex – I haven’t updated the suit of Wands yet, but eventually I will be updating these posts with the same categories I’ve done on the rest of the deck.
Wow! Thank you so much for this interpretation of the Queen!! I am being called to stand in this energy right now and have been getting the snake coming up in my readings and dreams and not understanding the meaning of it! This is Actually the energy I am in now, standing up for my beleifs and being optimistic for the outcome even though it is a great risk! Very fiery energy!
First of all- I love this deck. It’s my first (got it a few years ago) and it’s brought me so much guidance and light. I did a reading for myself right now and I just pulled the Daughter of wands, then the mother of wands, then the father of wands…. what could this mean pulling them back to back to back? Would so love your insight, beautiful soul. Love and light your way!!
Only you can determine what that means for you! When I see multiple court cards in a reading, it often reminds me how complex I am, therefore you may want to consider what different aspects of you each of these cards speak to and how you can best draw upon these various aspects at this time.
I love this so much – I have a question for you ; I pulled this card in my full moon spread for the question: what is no longer serving me? And I’m finding it hard to see how anything about this queen would not be serving me… curious if you or anyone else might have any thoughts on that. TIA!
i learn tarot wild unknown whith your wisdom,thank you carrie for your magical words.i am rodrigo from argentina.