I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
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Creator’s keywords: stillness, mental power
Carrie’s keywords: reprieve, contemplation
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Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
When we look at tarot as a holistic system, the Four of Swords is an appropriate way to follow the previous card. While the Three of Swords showed tightly wound struggles, the Four of Swords shows the the process of integrating things from a more spacious place.
A lamb rests at the bottom of the card, a serene expression on her face. She looks out at us with a peaceful expression. In the center of her forehead (or her third eye) is a luminous orange and yellow sphere. These are colors of concentration and vigor. Her thoughts are centered and powerful.
Four swords are posed over the lamb. They are all different lengths and designs, but their spacing is even. This gives the card a sense of equilibrium. The sky above is clear, suggesting space for a mental repreive. Instead of the tightly wound mental energy at work in the two and three of swords, the four has a sense of spaciousness.
The number four is often associated with stability (as in The Emperor, number four in the major arcana). When you combine that quality with the suit of swords, you find the mental stability we see in this card. The Four of Swords reminds you that it is necessary to take a reprieve from action and make space for contemplation.
Four of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in General

Traditional depictions of this card show a human figure laying down, often in a church setting. For The Spacious Tarot we have a peaceful nature landscape, with swords resting against a bench. There is a sense of mindfulness in this card, of harnessing your mental energy in more effective ways. Instead of letting your mental energy run unchecked, it is useful to become aware of your thoughts.
This card can also speak to the importance of planning. Instead of rushing into action, it may be necessary to put some deep consideration into what you desire to do next. Let yourself think through all of your options, let yourself explore different perspectives. Do what it takes to feel prepared and ready before taking your next move.
In a reading…
This card can suggest consciously choosing to stabilize your thoughts. It can be useful to do whatever makes you feel the most centered and alert, such as journaling or meditation. Plan, prepare, and quietly stabilize yourself. Treat your mental energy as a precious resource, and do what you need to do to bring it back to full capacity.