In the Ace cards of the Tarot, hands extend, offering you a gift. The Aces contain the essence of each of the four suits – and meditating with the Aces can help you tap into that unique energy. When you sign up for my free email newsletter, I’m going to hand you a free gift: Four Helping Hands: Meditations to Activate the Aces Within You.

You’ll Get four guided meditations inspired by the Aces. At under six minutes each, these audio files will give you the chance to swiftly explore your subconscious and activate the energy of the suits in your life. You will be able to use these meditations time & time again, whenever you need a boost of Tarot Energy!

  • Meditate with the Ace of Wands to… Feel enthusiastic. Bring excitement to your life. Be fierce, bold & original.
  • Meditate with the Ace of Swords to… Get precise & focused. Replace confusion with clarity. Use your rational powers.
  • Meditate with the Ace of Cups to… Experience deep love. Tap into overflowing gratitude. Bathe in peace & tranquility.
  • Meditate with the Ace of Pentacles to… Be practical, productive & realistic. Appreciate the tangible, physical realm.

I’m also including a free guidebook to help you consider the benefits of each meditation, as well as to record your experiences.

Are you ready to accept this gift?

This is all free, my gift to you, to thank you for welcoming me into your inbox once a month. I poured my heart into creating these for you, and I truly hope you will find them useful. If you like these meditations, tell your friends to c’mon over, sign up for email updates & get this free gift for themselves!