I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
Click here for a directory of all posts in my Wild Unknown series.

Creator’s keywords: fair, just, analytical
Carrie’s keywords: analytical, principled
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Father of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
The Father of Swords makes a powerful impression from the get go. Everything about him – from his piercing gaze to his technicolor sword – conveys knowledge, authority and mastery. Court cards can draw your attention to various aspects of your own psyche and the way you interact with the world. To learn more, reference this post about how to interpret the tarot’s court cards.
As opposed to the sly over the shoulder glance we got from the Mother of Swords, the Father faces us head on. Like the Mother, he is not one to mince his words. He says precisely what he means to say, and he doesn’t hesitate when he delivers a message. However, he is very practiced when it comes to thinking before he speaks. His stances are typically well-informed, he analyzes things intricately before coming to conclusions.
His sword is concentrated with all the powers of the rainbow. This shows that although he is the master of the airy realm of thoughts, analysis and judgement; he rules with a holistic approach. As opposed to jumping to conclusions, as the Son of Swords might, the Father thinks things through thoroughly.
He considers multiple angles of any given situation before taking rash action. His actions are always measured carefully and taken with full consciousness. Emotions do not cloud his judgement. This does not mean he is entirely unfeeling, but he processes the world through thinking. At his best, his decisions are made without bias.
Even when he isn’t speaking, he is always at work analyzing and processing information. He is concerned with truth, equity and finding solutions that work. He is capable of sorting out complex, multi-faceted layers of information and finding a way to easily tie them together. A keen director, the Father of Swords sets clear boundaries and enforces the principles he believes in.
King of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in General
This card is most commonly titled the King of Swords. Kings are the “outwardly mature adult” of the tarot courts. The King of Swords could be a considered a master of the swords airy energy. He posesses intelligence, he is articulate, he is knowledgeable. Firm when necessary, the King of Swords takes action to ensure that reality aligns with his principles.
The King of Swords holds others, and himself, to high standards. He has a clearly defined moral code that he values strongly. As an example of how his traits might manifest, consider the positive traits of a lawyer, judge, or journalist.
Thank you so much for creating this! Enjoying it while really learning!
You’re welcome!
Hi! Wondering how this shifts if it’s reversed!
Here is how I read reversals: http://carriemallon.com/blog/how-to-read-reversed-tarot-cards/
Wow this site is great Carrie! Thanks so much for sharing 😊
Thank you for this! I am having so much trouble reading the Family cards. They say they point to actual people so I am having trouble meshing them with people in my life or whoever I am reading for. I didn’t even think that this could point to how WE are approaching situations in our life, not just real people we know now.
You’re welcome! In case you haven’t seen it, I have a whole post on reading court cards here: http://carriemallon.com/blog/how-to-read-the-tarot-court-cards-the-easiest-way/
Thank you for this! I’ve bookmarked your link to the series index.
I did a 7 card weekly forecast reading. For today, I pulled this card (reversed). As the days come up, I look at it in the morning as a reminder, and go about my day. At night, I then journal about my day/ inner emotional life. I then look for (confirmation bias aside) to see how it matches up.
I’ve also just got my anti-anxiety and antidepressant meds refilled today… after not realizing I’d ran out. I had a seizure bc of this on Thanksgiving and haven’t really been the same since. I know it’ll take a bit of time before these meds can reach therapeutic levels again. My emotions ARE all over the place, but mostly I have a sadness on me and it’s related to grief.
I have a family member who I have found it hard to be around while in the this state but that was particularly true today. We live in the same house.
I’m not clear minded enough to think of the answer and it may be obvious to anyone reading this but…. I’ve tried to just stay to myself but that’s not working. Should I say something more bluntly and risk hurting her feelings? I’ve tried to remind her of what’s going on with me and I’m trying to just be nice as I can. But maybe this card is telling me to just lay out the facts and tell her precisely that this Berkshire l behavior of hers isn’t helping my cause? Or just let it be? 🤷 And just keep trying to be okay with this until I can be emotionally regulated again? Thanks for any answers from Carrie or any of the readers on this site.
Thank you so much! This card has been showing up and standing out strong for me. I’m reading it correctly now for myself with your guidance, and will be working to weild my intensity with more control, so that my intensity will be correctly interpreted as rooted in love