I’m happy to announce that the 2021 edition of Dreams & Themes is available for purchase now through January 15 2021! If you’ve worked with the ebook in previous years, welcome back! I like to keep things fresh so the content this year should still feel inspiring. And if you’ve never used the ebook before, I hope you’ll find it to be a treat.

Dreams & Themes for 2021: Tarot Activities & Readings

This interactive ebook guides you through tarot-inspired exercises for integrating 2020 and setting your tone for 2021. Perfect for tarot readers of any level! Also contains collective tarot readings, written by Carrie, for each month of 2021.

$18 USD, instant download.

~offer expired~

This 67 page PDF ebook is a simple but powerful ritual for processing what the past year has meant to you, as well as envisioning what may be on the horizon during 2021. All you need is any tarot deck and an open heart.

Dreams & Themes is composed of three sections:

Part 1: Personal Dreams & Themes

This is the heart of the workbook. A few examples of tarot activities you’ll find here:

~ Processing your challenges from 2020

~ A tarot spread for identifying your blessings of 2020

~ New Year intention setting using the four tarot aces

~ Finding and learning from your ‘inner teacher’ card in 2021

~ ‘Cheers to the New Year’ themed tarot spread

~ plus more!

You can type your responses to the activities directly into the PDF, or print the ebook out and write in it by hand, if you prefer.

Part 2: Collective Dreams & Themes

In this section, I offer tarot readings for the collective for each month of 2021, helping us feel into broader universal energies. I’ve also included journal prompts to take you deeper into the personal resonance of each reading. A sneak peek at the themes explored in the monthly readings:

~ January: Rest Before You Rev 

~ February: Rosy Views

~ March: The Work of Integrity

~ April: Ending Unknown

~ May: Deflect Assumptions

~ June: Depths of Desires

~July: Honoring Your Pace

~ August: Tending the Flames

~ September: Offering and Receiving

~ October: Owning Your Affections

~ November: Shifting Availability

~ December: Essence in Motion

Part 3: Monthly Reflections

Finally, this last section gives open-ended space to reflect on your personal readings, or the collective tarot readings, record your dreams, or use however you’d like.

Available as an instant download for only $18. Once you’ve made your secure purchase via PayPal, you’ll be redirected to a download link. May Dreams & Themes for 2021 inspire, uplift and serve you well!