I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
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Creator’s keywords: honesty, insightful
Carrie’s keywords: simplify, directness
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Daughter of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
An owlet sits perched upon a solid black sword. She gazes forward at us as though she’s got nothing to hide. Behind her, the night sky is splattered with rainbow hued stars. As a court card, the Daughter of Swords might represent a specific person, a personality trait, or an approach to life. For a deeper understanding of the court cards, see this post.
At the core of her personality, the Daughter of Swords might ascribe to the motto “keep it simple.” She is a straightforward character who doesn’t bother with frills or nonsense. What you see is what you get. She’d likely be a proponent of the Occam’s razor philosophy: the simplest explanation is likely the best explanation.
The sword in this picture is positioned in a straight line. This is representative of the daughter’s straight and narrow temperament. While others would swing wildly about getting caught up in complicated thoughts and over-analyzation, the daughter is more likely to cut to the chase.
Although she is a straightforward character, the Daughter of Swords does have an understanding of others’ experiences. She is a good listener, always willing to consider different viewpoints – as long as they are clearly presented.
Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings in General
Most tarot decks use the title Page of Swords for this card. The page (or daughter, in the Wild Unknown’s depiction) is the “youngest” of the courts, and has the most uncomplicated relationship to her element. Swords relate to the air element and deal with the realms of ideas, reason, and communication. From this, it becomes apparent that the Page of Swords approaches situations directly and without drama.
However, the Page still has much to learn. As acute as her desire is to keep things simple, some situations are, in reality, complex. The page may be prone to naivety when it comes to her understanding of her suit’s energy! For example, the Page of Swords communicates her thoughts directly, but somewhat rawly. Imagine a child who would flat out tell you they don’t like your new haircut. They aren’t trying to be mean, and to some extent the bluntness can be appreciated, but it may not always come across well.
In a reading
The Daughter (or Page) of Swords can suggest that you approach a situation as she would. Instead of getting caught up in mind games, look for the simplest solution. Clear your head and determine which of your thoughts are essential for the task at hand. When in doubt, tell the truth.
love this! Thank you so much for the help and understanding of the suits. This has helped me a lot, i am still trying to put my words together from my mind to make them make sense. But this website has helped me open my mind into other realms of thinking thank you so much!
Hi Chloe – you’re so welcome! I’m happy my posts are helpful 🙂