I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
Click here for a directory of all posts in my Wild Unknown series.

Creator’s keywords: emotional, romantic
Carrie’s keywords: open-hearted, optimistic
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Daughter of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
The cups court cards in the Wild Unknown are represented by swans. Symbolically, swans have been associated with love, elegance and grace. Of course swans are at home in the water, making them natural fits for the suit of cups! There’s also something that seems a bit tender about swans. They are creatures that seem simultaneously fragile and powerful.
The Daughter of Cups (often called the Page of Cups in other decks) is a young swan. The lake around her is calm and stable. Her reflection shimmers in the water as a full spectrum rainbow. This shows that she holds the potential for a full range of emotions, and she welcomes any emotional experience without labeling it as negative or positive. She allows herself to fully feel whatever it is that she is feeling, but ESPECIALLY the good stuff.
There’s still a sense of innocence in this card. Although the Daughter of Cups has the potential to embody any number of emotional states, she is still young. Some might even venture to say she is naive. She favors the rose-colored glasses view on life. She sees the good in all that is. She knows how to look on the bright side. She’s in love with life! Perhaps there is a difference between being naive and believing that love conquers all.
The Daughter of Cups has a simple approach to life, but there can be great power in simplicity.
Page of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in General

Most decks use the title Page of Cups for this card. We retitled this card as the Child of Cups for my deck, The Spacious Tarot. The Waite-Smith tarot depiction shows a person standing near a body of water, holding a cup. A fish pops out from the cup, and the person gazes right back at it. Fish are a symbol of the unconscious, associated with the watery realm of dreams and feelings. This suggests that the Page of Cups has an unfiltered relationship with intuition, and interacts openly with this type of energy.
As the “youngest” of the court cards, all of the pages have a straightforward relationship with the energy of their suits. They are raw in their approach, and may sometimes come across as clumsy and childlike. But there is something important to be learned from the pages’ unadulterated approach. You can find a detailed explanation of the court cards here.
In a reading
In a reading, this card can ask you to open your heart. There is magic in vulnerability. Sometimes we need to trust our intuition and our own good nature. The Daughter of Cups reminds you to show your true colors to the world, because, as the song goes, they are beautiful like a rainbow.
Carrie these interpretations are beautiful! And also- expansive….my mind can keep going after I read one!! Thanks a BUNCH.💕
The daughter of cups has been showing up multiple times for me the last few days so I searched for a deeper explanation of her. This post gave me just that, thanks for sharing!