Each tarot card is infused with symbols, philosophies and meanings – giving the cards a limitless intrigue. In the Life Lessons :: Tarot Card Meanings series, I will explore one card and some of the lessons it has to offer for personal growth and self development. Each card has a wide spectrum of meanings, so this post is not meant to be all inclusive!



Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings Keywords:

  • Milestone
  • High Spirits
  • Celebration

Most of the time we are mature adults who keep our enthusiasm contained. But once in a while, we’ve just got to let ourselves nerd out over something exciting. That’s what I’m doing this week – celebrating and nerding out. Why?

‘Cause Happy Fish Tarot has reached 200 ‘likes’ on Facebook. Huzzah!

I’m recognizing this by (picture me saying this in my best Oprah voice) doing a GIIIIVEAWAAAY! If you see this before Friday, August 15 2014 at 12pm MST, head over to my Facebook page and leave a comment on this status. On Friday, I’ll randomly select two winners – they’ll receive a free, three card reading.

(If you’re reading this AFTER the 15th, you should still ‘like’ my page. I’ll be doing more giveaways in the future!)

The Four of Wands represents the milestones that make us want to drop our adult demeanor and do a little happy dance. When we’re working towards a Big Goal, it’s easy to rush right past these smaller milestones. But we’ve got to acknowledge every minuscule victory that we have along the way.

Small accomplishments add up to make big accomplishments possible – celebrate accordingly.
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If you’re writing a novel, celebrate finishing the first chapter. If you’re learning to play the flute, celebrate making it through Mary Had a Little Lamb. If you’re building a Digital Tarot Universe, celebrate your first 200 ‘likes.’ 😉

Every blessed big thing starts with little things, and you need to be excited about the little things! This energy of celebration will become the fuel you need to keep moving forward. If you deny yourself this moment of joy, you’ll quickly lose steam to continue. Let your excitement bubble over you. This good feeling of accomplishment is why you’re doing what you’re doing. Immerse yourself, bathe in it, let it replenish you so that soon you can progress on your journey.

Because you will be continuing. You’re celebrating now, but you’re not at the final finish line. You’re at the first scenic vista along the trail. Take in the view and then keep on going. Because what lies ahead is going to be even more breath-taking, darling.

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