I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
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Ace of Pentacles :: Wild Unknown Tarot
Creator’s keywords: prosperous beginnings
Carrie’s keywords: material potential, organic growth

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Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown

We have reached the introduction to the suit of pentacles! As with all aces, the Ace of Pentacles is a distillation of the pentacles realm. Pentacles are associated with the earth element; the tangible realm, physicality, money, homes and work. The Ace contains all of the potential of this element.

In the Wild Unknown, the Ace of Pentacles is a tree stump with a bright orange and yellow center. These are the colors of the substantial, material realm. This ace is solid and sturdy, sporting several branches growing in different directions. The potential of these branches is ready to fully unfold, and we’ll see that process in the numbered cards.

At the center of this tree stump is a burst of color, a yellow and orange pentacle. The center of the stump is an important point, as it indicated where all of the growth that you can now see in the tree rings originated. As such, the Ace of Pentacles asks you to stay in touch with your own center. 

This deck offers “prosperous beginnings” as the key phrase for this card. The Ace of Pentacles shows that growth comes when you are pragmatic and willing to commit to the nitty-gritty aspects of creation. Good things can blossom if we come up with a plan and take a down-to-earth approach.

On that note, the Ace of Pentacles often asks you to place your focus on the real world. There are other cards that ask you to focus on ethereal energies, but the Ace of Pentacles is more about what is measurable and practical. This card reminds you of the importance of staying grounded. A good way to do this is to tune into your physical senses and let them offer advice and inspiration.

In a reading, this card can ask you to activate your resources, both internal and external. Where are you right now, and what do you want to build from here? Every moment gives you the opportunity for a new beginning. Get comfortable with where you are, while having faith that you are progressing. As you take your next steps, cultivate a sense of trust in the process. Things will unfold naturally as you continue to dig deep and do the work.

Ace of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings in General

All four aces are often described as “seeds,” and that description is especially befitting to the Ace of Pentacles. Aces are pure potential, and pentacles describe the tangible, material world. Therefore, the Ace of Pentacles is the seed of potential for all that might unfold in the “mundane” areas of life: work, money, physicality and so on.

In traditional decks like the Waite-Smith tarot, the Ace of Pentacles shows a hand, palm up, receiving a pentacle. This suggests that the Ace of Pentacles doesn’t always have to be about hustling; sometimes we must simply relax and let things grow at their own pace. This is what it means to be receptive – not to be inactive, but to be open to potential, to be patient as results begin to take shape.

In a reading…

When you see the Ace of Pentacles, it’s useful to consider what “seeds” you are sowing. What potential is already taking shape in your life? And for that matter, what potential would you LIKE to see take shape? Aces are a reminder of your autonomy, and the Ace of Pentacles asks you to be open to letting healthy, prosperous seeds begin to grow.

When you are open to gifts, you are more likely to receive gifts. The Ace of Pentacles asks you to be receptive to whatever gifts and manifestations are in your highest good. 

Hi, I'm Carrie!

I'm a tarot reader and mentor.
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