I’ve written interpretations for every card in the Wild Unknown Tarot. As the box of the deck states, there are no rights or wrongs. These are simply my perspectives on the tarot card meanings. I hope you find them useful!
Click here for a directory of all posts in my Wild Unknown series.

Creator’s Keywords: love’s beginnings
Carrie’s keywords: emotional energy, raw feelings
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Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in the Wild Unknown
Like many cards in the Wild Unknown, the image on the Ace of Cups is simple but evocative. A classy, elegant goblet resides in the center of the card. The background fills the card with a blue glow and brings to mind stained glass, or possibly fish scales. A splash of warm yellow and orange hover above the glass, as though the goblet contains multitudes of energy.
As the introduction to the suit of cups, this ace sets the stage for what we will encounter as the suit unfolds. The Wild Unknown offers the keyword “love’s beginnings” for this card. In my perspective, though, cups are the watery suit of the WHOLE emotional realm. Throughout this suit we will see experiences of friendship and love, but we’ll also encounter the more difficult emotional states such as loneliness and grief.
The Ace of Cups is a vessel containing the potential for all emotional states. The varied components of the human emotional landscape are brewing in this goblet, and soon we will explore them in depth as they pour out through the numbered cards.
Ace of Cups Tarot Card Meanings in General

In many decks, the Ace of Cups shows a hand extended, palm out, holding a cup. Water is often overflowing from within the cup, suggesting the depth of emotional energy present in this card. Emotions are flowing freely, unburdened by repression. After all, this state of flowing freely is how emotional energy stays healthy.
The fact that the hand is depicted in a palm-up position is worth mentioning as well. As opposed to grasping the cup, the hand receives the cup. This is a reminder that the suit of cups energy is often considered to be a receptive energy.
Pictured above is the Ace of Cups from my deck, the Spacious Tarot (alongside the Water card from its Expansion Pack).
In a reading
The Ace of Cups can signify the onset of feeling-based experiences. This card can remind you to open your heart, to allow your emotional energy to move freely. Allow yourself to feel whatever it is that you are feeling without labeling it as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ This card often appears when we need to proceed with compassion and respect the signals our feelings are giving us.
Just got this deck today. No guidebook. Bummer. But thankfully found your site! This is also my first deck!
Nice!! Enjoy your tarot studies!
And what about if the card is reversed?