I could not resist the urge to take my beloved Deck of the Bastard off the shelf today. This is a deck I normally use in the fall, but what the hey. It’s August 20th. That’s close enough, right? So here I am, trying not to think about the fact that it’s still 95F outside, ready to offer you a reading with my favorite autumnal cards. Oh, and we’re also using the Earthbound Oracle for good measure.
Are you open to some insights from the cards? If so, I am happy to offer you a free mini-reading.
As it usually goes, start by taking a moment to pause. Be in your body. Enter the moment. Take a conscious breath. Then, pick a number: one or two. When you are ready, scroll down and listen to your reading.
I hope that this open-ended reading has given you some interesting things to consider. I’m currently open for personal readings, so check that out here if it calls to you!
Until we meet again,