Finding a Sense of Belonging w/Tarot

Finding a Sense of Belonging w/Tarot

Last month I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at the Inaugural Light & Love Tarot Conference in Montreal. Because I’ve had a few people message me requesting this, and also just because I really am passionate about this topic, I’ve recorded...
Choosing substance

Choosing substance

One of the first things I do every morning is make a to-do list for myself. Sometimes this is really straightforward, especially if I already have appointments booked. But other days, like today, I have a whole bunch of random stuff that needs to get prioritized. This...
Naked Heart Tarot: a review

Naked Heart Tarot: a review

If you are like me, you are always looking to fuel your tarot deck lust. Luckily for you, I am here to do just that with this video review of the Naked Heart Tarot! Watch to learn all about this deck and hear all my riveting opinions. You can purchase your own deck on...