Making space for life to talk to you

Making space for life to talk to you

I’ve been somewhat of a straggler when it comes to technology. I remember being annoyed when text messages first became a thing, and for several years I was always yelling at my friends to quit texting me because my cell plan only included something like 30...
How to stay informed without losing your shit (part two)

How to stay informed without losing your shit (part two)

If you missed part one of this series, you might want to read that first. Or, just be a rebel and read this one right now! We’re talking about how to stay up to date with the news of the world without totally falling apart in the process. Don’t jump ten steps forward....
A question that changes everything

A question that changes everything

Lately I’ve been making a habit of asking myself the following question: Is this nourishing me or is this poisoning me? I got this inquiry from Martha Beck, whom I mentioned in my last post as well (clearly I’m on a kick lately). It’s one of those things that sounds...
Shortcuts to being spiritually solid

Shortcuts to being spiritually solid

Last week I was listening to an interview with Martha Beck and I heard her say something that metaphorically smacked me upside the head. I’ll paraphrase: A lot of people want to feel the way a spiritually solid person feels without putting in the work a...