A bumpy take-off into 2019

A bumpy take-off into 2019

Yesterday was January 1, 2019. At 9am I set the intention to have a sugar-free month during January. At approximately 12:15pm I consumed a delicious decandent bread pudding, which, as you may have guessed, was sugary AF. Whenever I do things like this, I try to find...
Gift ideas for mystics and weirdos

Gift ideas for mystics and weirdos

You know what I don’t like? Our culture’s focus on selling cheap, poorly made, pointless junk in order to make more and more and more $$$. I also don’t like the implied assumption of corporations that we need certain external objects in order to...
Choosing substance

Choosing substance

One of the first things I do every morning is make a to-do list for myself. Sometimes this is really straightforward, especially if I already have appointments booked. But other days, like today, I have a whole bunch of random stuff that needs to get prioritized. This...