Hello, friends!

Do you ever feel like you’re moving so fast that you can barely keep up with yourself? That’s where I’ve been at lately. Don’t get me wrong – it’s kind of great! I like feeling productive and inspired and creative and bustling.

But it’s gotten to the point where I need to step back and catch my bearings. I need to realign with myself. I need to rest so that I can move forward intentionally instead of just flying forward wildly.

And so my blog is taking a nap. I usually post every Tuesday – and I’ll resume doing so in three weeks (on the 23rd).

But just because the blog is napping, doesn’t mean I’ll be napping! Okay, let’s be honest, I might nap a little. But I have some things I want to do to help myself refocus over these three weeks. If you’re curious, I plan on using this break to:

*Finish a new free gift for my newsletter subscribers (I’ve been working on this for a while and I’m soooo excited about it! I think you’ll LOVE it!)

*Write elsewhere. I’ve wanted to guest post on other blogs for ages. Taking a little break from my own blog will give me the creative headspace to share some good ideas in new places.

*Relax! Meditate, exercise, cook, watch Gilmore Girls and go for leisurely walks.

I’ll still be open for tarot readings and mentoring, if you fancy working with me. And I’ll still be hanging out on Instagram and Facebook, so say hi if you’d like.

Here’s to both pausing and moving forward,

Book a private reading with me here.

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